We put at your disposal 6 general dentists for the treatment and care of DENTAL EMERGENCIES in Île-Perrot: fractured tooth, dental infection or abnormal toothache… Our team works hard to receive you quickly in order to offer you pain relief and avoid complications!
Clinic hours :
Monday 9:00 – 18:00
Tuesday 9:00 – 19:00
Wednesday 9:00 – 20:00
Thursday 13:00 – 21:00
Friday 9:00 – 15:00 *
Saturday 9:00 – 15:00 *
* Appointments only

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Looking for a new dentist in Île-Perrot? At our clinic, you will find all the services you need, regardless of your oral health situation or age. Our team will take the time to properly examine and discuss with you in order to understand your needs. Contact us now!
Centre Dentaire Don Quichotte
25 Boulevard Don Quichotte,
Suite 144 L'Île-Perrot,
Québec J7V 7X4
Wisdom Teeth
In some cases, wisdom tooth extraction is recommended towards the end of adolescence or beginning of adulthood. Our dentists in Île-Perrot will advise you on whether your wisdom teeth should be removed. If so, you can be assured that the procedure will go smoothly.
They are called “Wisdom teeth” because they erupt later than the other teeth, between the ages of 14 and 18. They are in fact a third group of molars for which there is not enough room to erupt properly in the majority of people who have all their natural teeth. In such cases, wisdom teeth can remain under the gum or make a partial eruption. They are then impacted or semi-impacted. Wisdom teeth removal is recommended when these teeth lead to various symptoms (pain, cavities, infections, etc.). Semi-impacted teeth almost always have to be removed because they are more at risk of being affected by different oral diseases. As for impacted teeth, they are likely to put pressure on and damage neighbouring teeth.
Most tooth extractions are performed under local anesthesia to prevent the client from feeling any pain during the procedure. The dentist then performs an incision in the gum to clear the tooth that needs to be removed. If the tooth isn’t well positioned to be extracted, the dentist may need to break it into smaller pieces. Once the tooth is extracted, the wound in the gum is sutured. Medication may be prescribed to help healing and our team will provide you with useful postoperative advice.
Should wisdom teeth always be extracted?
At Centre Dentaire Don Quichotte, we recommend wisdom tooth extraction when these teeth pose a risk to your oral health and to your smile’s integrity. It is during a dental examination and with the use of X-rays that your dentist will assess whether this procedure is required in your case.
Nevertheless, we want you to understand the risks associated with the different types of wisdom teeth.
Teeth that erupted properly
Because they are located in the back of the jaw, wisdom teeth can be a lot more difficult to clean thoroughly with a toothbrush and dental floss. For this reason, they are more susceptible to tooth decay and gum diseases, which can cause different symptoms. Nonetheless, if you pay them special attention during your daily dental cleaning, they could remain in place.
Semi-impacted teeth
Semi-impacted teeth partially erupt. As a result, only part of the crown is visible. The gingival tissues surrounding the semi-impacted tooth are then susceptible to accumulate food residues and bacteria, which can result in inflammation. This condition is called pericoronitis.
Impacted teeth
Teeth that remain impacted, i.e. under the gum, may not cause any pain. However, if they are not positioned properly, they can exert constant pressure on neighbouring teeth. They can lead to dental cavities or gum diseases on the molars and to a cyst or tumour in the jaw.
Advice from our team